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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Mizero Fundraiser was Successful!

Two weeks prior to the holidays a small group of Middletown folks met to discuss and begin planning what was to be a phenomenal party for our adoption... of course one where we would make some of the money needed to fund this adoption. We decided on a date right after New Year's, the 6th of January and intended to have food, desserts, live music and silent auction. You can imagine trying to plan this while the holidays were rolling.

Betsy sent out press releases, and two local papers picked up the story. Read the one from the front page of the Herald here. Unfortunately, Scott was misquoted (he didn't ever say "unwanted children", he referred to children that didn't have their own families and needed homes.) Otherwise, it is a good article and we are happy it circulated to so many readers.

So the 6th approached and so many people were busy tying up all the necessary ends for the event. Betsy organized everything... from soup spoons to press releases, table cloths and crock pots, donations to drinking water. Janet (with the help of others) gathered up 50 or 60 silent auction and raffle items.. tons of great services like massage and acupuncture, carpentry and day sails, and beautiful hand-crafted items... even a gorgeous wood sculpture of a nude woman! Leslie and Diane gathered 30 or so exquisite food dishes, with many African entrees and a desert table I could have called "Death by Chocolate." Nick organized decorations, a crew of his made a gorgeous mural for the stage, hundred of flowers were carefully arranged and donated and individuals lent their African artifacts for display. Ri and I spent all week making granola for sale, but mostly we sat back and the party was planned for us!

So Sunday arrived and despite some minor jitters and snafu's (Ri was too sick to attend and the African dancer was too) 1:00 came. People rolled in, and by all reports everything went off smashingly and it was fun to boot! Maybe some readers who attended will comment here so we can hear what they thought (hint, hint).The food was great, the music varied, the people amazing. What a thing to be sitting amongst hundreds of people, speaking of our journey to this point and the one ahead. What a thing to open to the love present and receive all the blessings and prayers and gifts.

We did well. We estimate our expenses to be $15,000 for the adoption and necessary travels, and so far we have raised more than half of it! The silent auction alone brought in $4,200!

So this idea of "It takes a village" really is true... we absolutely would not be where we are without all of your prayers, good wishes, contributions and time. When this child comes home s/he will have flown here on all of our wings. Bless you all!


Isabelle said...

Hello, I admire your journey towards adoption and I admire your family. I lost a baby at 5 1/2 mos in utero, and had my second baby at 6 mos, 2 pounds. I read your post today and could not stop crying. I suppose one never stops grieving the loss of a child. But somehow, if we make meaning, grief becomes intermingled with beauty and joy. I am happy to report that these days, five years later the joy outweighs, and I am in utter awe of my son who is a miracle . I will be divorced next month, and turning 40 next year. I will not have another biological one b/c it feels too risky. Someday I hope to meet the right person and adopt. I wish you peace and joy in your journey. To love is to risk loss. To truely live is to love deeply, and never give up. All my best,
Lauren "Julia's Journal " Babycenter

Betsy said...

The death by chocolate table didn't kill me. Congratulations! From a member of your "village."

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad things went well! I hope you made a lot of money. It's amazing what a group of people can do when there's a good cause. I wrote on Betsy's blog, but I'll also tell you, that when my friend got cancer at age 27 and had no health insurance, we all banded together. She was diagnosed on a Monday, and by Saturday we had a huge tagsale where everyone donated to the items and all the money went to her fund and we raised $8,000!!!! In 2 days! We also had a silent auction and that raised $8,000, too! Maybe you guys could try a tag sale. I know it's cold, but maybe one that's indoors? We had a bake sale kind of thing, too during the tag sale, so you could try that, too. Everyone just pitches in and brings stuff that might have thrown out, but everything helps. I hope things are moving fast for you and wish I could go with you to Africa. You must be scared to go by yourself. I know I would. If I didn't have kids of my own that I would miss terribly, I would offer to go with you even though I don't know you. You seem like a really good person and I hope you can find a partner to go with you and help ease the anxiety. Anyway, I'm glad the fundraiser went well and can't wait to read the next post.

Anonymous said...

Jaya! Thank you so much for that beautiful thank-you card! What a beautiful picture your daughter drew. I love the frog. What a thoughtful touch. We are happy to help and hope to do so again. I can't wait to see a picture of the little one, either. You are truly, very special people.

Anonymous said...

Jaya, I'm so happy to read of the success of your fundraiser! That is really a VERY good one!!

I keep checking on your journey. . . ;-)

Hope Anne from ICAN (bio mom to 3, adoptive Mama to a girlie from Russia, and in the process of raising funds to adopt again!!!)